Monday, March 5, 2012

Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services Visit

First off before I even begin chronologically the rest of my Spring Break in Dubai I want to apologize for NOT keeping up my blog so just bear with me as I posts a weeks worth of visits in a few hours. But thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy some of the pictures I was able to take.

Monday March  5, 2012:

Monday was the official start to our week long visits of several American companies with branches in Dubai. While the original plan was to visit Oracle certain things fell through and instead we traveled to a neighboring Emirate, Sharjah, and visited the Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services. At this center they work with children with special needs bet it autism, or down, or whatever other learning/physical disabilities these children may have. Fortunately for us the staff took us on a tour of the ENTIRE center showing us everything they do with and for these children and their families. We were taken to the various treatment rooms and my favorite room was one that had a vibrating water bed.....seriously I need to get myself one of those COOLEST BED EVER!!!! Even more impressive is that as these children get older the center teaches them skills that they can use to earn a living, which is truly incredible. Being there and actually getting to interact in the classrooms with the children had to be my favorite part of the entire visit. Overall, I have to say that this center is something I wish we had in the states because the staff and especially Sheikah Jumeriah has created a center where not only the children are helped to live a life as close to normal as possible but also their families are taken care of and are given all these magnificent services at a low cost and for those who cannot pay these services are no charge. Visiting the Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services was really the best way to start off our visits.

On a side note our visit was spotlighted on the Sharjah the moment I do not have a copy but once I do I'll make sure to upload for you guys to see (even though you will not be able to read it since it's in Arabic and you really don't see my face but hey we're in it.)

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