Friday, March 9, 2012

Last Day in Dubai...not so eventful

Yea so Friday was our day to just explore all of Dubai sadly I was not feeling so hot so all I got to explore was my bed. No biggie though I got to catch up on some sleep and I made sure to not lay on my butt all day because I would be sitting on it for the next few hours when we got on the plane back to Atlanta.
I have to say I could not have picked a better destination to do my study abroad I had so much fun (with moments of not so much fun sprinkled in there) but the experiences I had are worth more than anyone can ever know. It's really sad that I my time in Dubai is over especially because it was so short, but hey in what other moment in my life would I have gotten the opportunity to even travel here so thanks KSU and a special shoot out to my prof Dr. Ali you are truly the best and thank you for everything.

BYE BYE DUBAI!!!!!!!!!!!!

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