Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Microsoft Visit

Fortunately, Tuesday was not as long as Monday was and we only had two business visits and one of those was to the Dubai International Financial Center, but I'll get to that in my next post. Right now I'll like to tell you about my visit to Microsoft. First off, we learned that what they mainly deal with here in Dubai is with sales which was very interesting. With the person we meet with, Ms. Tatiana Alexeev, she structured our visit around what she personally does for Microsoft Dubai and that is helping the education system become more technologically dependent. So basically she goes into schools and helps teachers learn how to use Microsoft products and apply them to their curriculum. In particular she showed us some of the features available on Microsoft OneNote, and I have to say I was just blown away at all the things I can do with this program. My freshman year of college I used it but mainly as a substitute for paper notebooks, after this visit I see how much I underestimated this programs abilities and benefits for me.

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