Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Grand Mosque

Going to the Grand Mosque truly was a memorable moment in the trip. It's just so majestic and beautiful and to think that this is where they go to prey it really shows how spiritual the Arabs are as a people. In order to even get in the Mosque all the women in the group had to wear a Keffiyeh, which is the traditional Arab clothing. Not gonna lie the fact that probably hundreds of other women have worn these before me did make me kind of itchy. Nevertheless I put it on and made my way into the Grand Mosque. Even before making our way inside the architecture of this place is remarkable but once you get inside it's just breathtaking, and what's even more amazing is that it is still under construction. Even though it was a short go around it is such a spiritual and beautiful place that just those few moments I was in there will stay with me forever.
Again I really am sorry, but mostly for me, that my camera decided to break and I missed out on some great photo ops.

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